Monday, August 24, 2009

For Free

So my uncle Chris, a gentleman and a scholar who's good looks are only surpassed by his kindness and generosity, has contacted his brother about my search for a job in the culinary industry, and in turn, his brother contacted one Ted Hopson. Ted Hopson is the Executive Sous Chef for the Watergrill Restaurant in Los Angeles, a well known, high class seafood restaurant. Long story short, Ted said he would be happy to give me an externship. I have no idea how long it will be or what the schedule will be like, but who the hell cares! I'm going to have an externship in an amazing restaurant!

While that is some very good news, it also comes with a (small) problem. How am I going to bring home the bacon? I need to be able to pay the rent, so I am trying to get a part time job working at Fish King in Burbank. Fish King is a seafood company that sells in bulk to restaurants. I love seafood, so I figured it would be a perfect job for me. Plus, I am friends with a Chef who knows the owner of the Burbank Fish King, so hopefuly he can get me a job there.

I am sick. Like the "cough cough I don't feel good" kind of sick, not the "hip and with it" kind of sick. I have a sore throat, I'm congested and I have a fever. I am going to rest it off and see how I feel in a few hours.

Until next time,

-Sean Martin, Aspiring Chef.

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