Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Internet and Watermelon Fame

The Internet is an amazing thing. Today I spent about four hours sifting through job sights weeding out jobs that wanted a lot of experience or expected applicants to have a culinary degree and ten+ years of experience. I ended up with about eight entry level jobs. Then I was able to fill out an online application and email them my resume.

I had no idea online job searching was so awesome. Now all I have to do is wait and see if they respond. The only fault I can find with this method of job hunting is the lack of first impressions. You never get to meet anyone face-to-face unless you land the job interview.

I also found two jobs that require me to come in person to fill out an application, so that's on tomorrow's agenda.

More news! There is going to be a Watermelon Festival in Sunland this weekend, and in this festival there is a watermelon recipe contest. I decided to enter two recipies, Cantaloupe Slices with a Watermelon Reduction Sauce and an Arugula Salad with Caramelized Watermelon, Feta Cheese and a Jalapeno Vinaigrette. On top of that, the hostess of this festival is going to be promoting it on KTLA Morning News tomorrow! She is going to be mentioning all of the recipe contest entries, so through association I am going to be on live TV! LIVE TV! FAME!!!

Not really though. But its still kinda cool. I'm going to the festival this weekend, and I'm going to take pictures to post up on the old blog.

I will leave you all with the recipies I entered:

Arugula Salad with Caramelized Watermelon, Feta Cheese and a Jalapeno Vinaigrette:

Liberally coat two slices of watermelon with brown sugar. Cook them on a hot grill until the sugar starts to turn black. Remove them from heat, let them cool and place them in the refrigerator. While the grill is hot, you can grill some vegetables; whatever ones sound good (I chose bell peppers).

For the vinaigrette, combine 1/2 cup of sherry vinegar, 1 cup of olive oil, 1 jalapeno chopped fine, a large pinch of cilantro chopped fine and salt and pepper to taste. Let the ingredients marry in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes (the longer the better).

Dice the chilled watermelon, as well as the other vegetables you grilled and 2 tomatoes. Toss with arugula leaves, feta cheese and the vinaigrette. Serve with fresh cilantro as garnish.

Cantaloupe Slices with a Watermelon Reduction Sauce:

Puree 1 pound of watermelon in a blender. Strain the puree through a fine sieve or cheesecloth into a bowl until all of the liquid has been collected. Put the liquid in a saucepan over low heat and add a tablespoon of rum, 1/4 cup of sugar and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Let the sauce simmer for 20 - 30 minutes or until thickened enough to coat a spoon. Chill the sauce and serve it on top of slices of chilled cantaloupe.

Parting is such sweet sorrow.

Until tomorrow,

Sean Martin, Aspiring Chef


  1. Yum! Both recipes sound so good! I'm going to have to give them a shot!

  2. Your recipes look tasty. Good luck in the contest!

  3. Hello Sean,

    Would you like me to tweet your blog out to 48,000 people?

  4. Love your blog! We're gonna try both of the recipes. Hope you win the contest.
