Friday, August 14, 2009

Missing a Post

Hello world,

I regret to say it, but yesterday I committed a sin I can never hope to live down. I failed to make a blog post. If you can possibly find it in your hearts to forgive me, I promise not to let you down again. Soon. Maybe.

With that aside, I might as well make a blog post for yesterday and this morning. Yesterday I went out and about Glendale filling out applications for restaurants. While doing so, my view on approaching the job hunt changed. Before, I was going after "mom and pop" places, thinking they would be more understanding of my goals. I then learned I was totally and entirely wrong in that view, and most "mom and pop" places wouldn't touch me with a fifty-foot pole. I have come up with a few reasons why this might be:

1. They already have the two people they need in the kitchen in order to feed the fifty people who eat there every day.
2. They are going out of business and can't afford to take on anyone else.
3. They only hire close friends and family
4. Lastly, "mom and pop" places are really just a front, and all of these restaurants are really just locations for sadists to sacrifice a goat or two to the Prince of Darkness.

For whatever reason they wont even let me apply(#4) I now know something new. There is a lesson to be learned from this situation. The one I found was this: stop thinking that you know stuff, because it is slowing you down.

Loosely translated, this means that ASSUME makes an ASS out of U and ME. No more preconceived notions about who will and wont hire me. It wont hurt anything if I applied anywhere and everywhere, so I'm expanding my horizons. I am going to apply to the corporate steakhouses and the high end restaurants and the "mom and pop" places too.

On to this morning, I had to wake up at 6:30 to drive my sister to Pasadena City College because she refuses to get her damn license. I then got some coffee at a nearby Starbucks and read the first few chapters of Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk. The movie is undoubtedly one of my very favorites, and so far the book is not disappointing.

Until next time,

-Sean Martin, Aspiring Chef

1 comment:

  1. You should contact the food network and ask them to do a reality show that follows you from your job hunt, through culinary school, and into your first job after culinary school.
